On the way back to our car we stopped in Baskin Robbins for some yummy ice cream. Sorry the picture is so blurry...I wanted to snap the picture and start eating as quickly as possible before it melted all over my hand!
Shown is a scoop of World Class Ribbon (vanilla and chocolate ice cream with ribbons of caramel throughout, on top), and York Peppermint Patty (peppermint flavored ice cream with miniature York patties throughout, on bottom).
This is a great blog, Stacia. I had no idea you even had one. :) It's fun to read about your various every-day experiences. I suppose that's exactly what a blog is supposed to be. (I found your blog after visiting Anna's wedding site).
Glad to know that all is going well for you!
Take care,
Hillary!!! Yes, I started blogging not too long ago. I'm excited you found me. Do you have a blog too? I'd love to add you to our buddies list!
How are ya? Still rockin Burrito Nights?
Mmmmmmm. We went to BR the other nite for 31 cent scoop night! So yummy!
B&R is good, especially their Espresso & Cream but not as good as homemade ice cream :) I've made 3 batches already (vanilla with raspberries and 2 batches of mint chocolate chip)! I think the Wakasugi Reunion will have it's own version of Baskin Robbins 31 flavors this summer. Can't wait!!!!
Hmmmm.... World Class Ribbon. Hmmmm... ice cream. Must. get. ice. cream.
baskin robbins is the walmart of ice cream shops.
i just went and had to put up with a stuffy hot room, a kid screaming in the corner, 2 workers taking care of 4 families (all with multiple kids), and know-it-all youths. all for two scoops of rocky road.
but that's bakersfield.
You probably wouldn't remember me, but I know who you are, as I went to LBC, too. I came across your blog from Amy's. Anyways, I couldn't help but comment on this post. Gold Medal Ribbon and World Class Chocolate are two of my three favorite flavors at BR (Espresso n Cream being the 3rd). When I saw that you called the ice cream flavor World Class Ribbon, I thought that they had combined the two flavors or something. But, no such luck. Anyways, you have inspired me and I have been to BR twice in the last 3 days! Yikes!!! I think that will be enough for a while. I want to keep the baby weight off, rather than putting it back on with BR. But, that sure would be a tasty way to do it, huh? Anyways, I enjoy reading about your life and seeing what old LBC'ers are up to.
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