When people finally arrived, they all basically congregated to the living room to play MarioKart (which is totally fun, by the way). I started making "dinner" which consisted of pancakes, bacon, link sausage, and omlettes...how awesome is having breakfast for dinner?!?
The group started to dwindle and eventually Erich, Josh, Teresa, Kara and myself played a round of Mexican Train and snacked on queso & chips and watermelon. Then, we broke out Jenga! 

We all started to fade so Josh and Teresa collected a sleeping Dylan...
Stacia....try BarKeep...I think that's what it is called. It comes in a can like Comet. Good luck. I still can't get over that pic of your brother. Awesome.
That's a great suggestion! I'll run out to the store and pick a can up as soon as I can. I'm so bad at knowing what stuff takes out which stains in carpet, clothes, grout, etc.
Get a copy of Where's Mom When I Need Her and Where's Dad When I Need Him? Gave them both to K and M when they left for college...lots of day to day survival info.
mmmm...breakfast for dinner....I love me some breakfast.
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