Mel made a wonderful breakfast and Michael contemplated going skiing. He ended up staying home and watching the Laker game instead. Mel and I decided to take a little sightseeing trip. As we were leaving the house she noticed that the truck had been parked under the downspout from their roof and a rather large icicle had formed on the front of the truck. I'm sure I've never seen anything like it. She said it's happened before.
I guess it's one of the hazards of living in the mountains. But I thought it was pretty cool.
We headed into town to look at all of the adorable shops. First stop was the coolest toy store I've ever seen. Very Babes In Toyland with old fashioned toys mixed in and amongst newer toys on a wall of old built-shelves. Even candy in jars on the sales counter filled with sour patch kids, assorted gummy bears and worms, jawbreakers, butterscotch discs and gumballs. The woman running the shop told us that they're eventually going to be expanding into the place next door which they're planning on turning into an old fashioned ice cream parlor/soda fountain. Fun, right?
We also went into a variety of shops in Truckee which is such an adorable town.
The main downtown strip is lined with buildings dating back to the 1800's, and filled with boutiques, cafes, kitchenware stores, and bars. It feels very much like something out of a movie.
My favorite store is a place called The Pharmacy (I believe) which was at no time an actual pharmacy. It used to be a theater, once upon a time, that Charlie Chaplan performed in. It's filled with fancy (and expensive) lotions and candles, lingerie and bedding.
Thanks guys for putting me up and letting me tag along on your weekend adventure. I love you!
I cannot tell you how good it was to see you. Maybe the cozy bed will entice you to come back soon.
As for the ice... that's nothing... in Mammoth, the tires of my honda once froze to the ground.
Miss you already
hehe.. at one point, both of their beds used to reside in our apartment in Mammoth ;) ... then Melinda got her fluffy bed back (we had borrowed it from their storage unit as they were at the cabin which was already full furnished and didn't need her bed at that time) when they moved to Truckee. When we got rid of our guest bed (in exchange for a futon), we gave our queen bed to M&M ... (just a little history on the beds at their house... )
I'm sorry I missed your visit. You should totally come again .. try late summer (september-ish) the weather is just gorgeous there!
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