does anyone miss Arrested Development as much as we do? remember what a smart, quick, witty, hilarious and original tv show this was? oh Gob with your hot hot magician moves to "The Final Countdown"...and George Michael with your confusing crush on your cousin...Maeby, with your curly hair and secret grown-up job at that movie studio...Buster with your "hey brother" and creepy shoulder massages...and my favorite, Tobias, with your "never-nude" cut offs...

we have been reduced to watching Canadian television in order to watch episodes (we own the seasons on DVD, but it's not the same). did you hear me? CANADIAN television. I'm humiliated that the Canadians are smart enough to re-run episodes of this brilliant show...where's the love America?
So... we pretty much watch AD every night. Over and over and over, the episodes never grow old.
Our favorite story line is the hair plugs. Oh Tobias...
What is sad is that we are constantly quoting lines from the show, and then we get all disgruntled when people don't know what we are talking about.
Well, it is chilly outside, I think I'll go make myself a pot of delicious hot ham water.
rumor is there's a movie in the works...bateman's signed on, and Jeffrey Tambor and Ron Howard...cross your fingers everybody.
Hot Ham Water!!! I LOVE IT!!!
Whenever I see my brother-in-law I say "Hey Hermano"...classic.
am I the only one who has never seen this? What rock have I been living under? Not to self: Must Netflix this ...
I have been trying to post a comment but this stinkin' internet contraption isn't letting me...Mel
Yeah! I think it worked.
I must say Jason Bateman is one cute man.
It's Jenn! ..Smith..Murphy.. whatever my name is! Hi hi hi! I
First of all, your wedding was beautiful and you looked absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations! I don't think I can pronounce your new last name though :) German?
Secondly... I too second the *sigh*. Ryan and I are total addicts. We are a little scary. :) I swear we have watched each episode at least 25 times...and it doesn't get old. By far, the wittiest, most clever, freaking hillarious TV show ever made. #1. No doubt. Yes, *sigh*. (Cue the Charlie Brown music, George Michael)
Love you!
Stacia- leave me your email so I don't annoy everyone reading your commments with my super long posts!:)Oh, and you'll love that I am getting Ryan a Gobias Industries shirt for Valentines. What better way so say I love you. ha!
We have got to get this movie made. Operation Hot Mother...
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