I'm 30.
This seems as good a point as any to start. Yes, it's my birthday today and I am no longer in my 20's. Is anything different now? Hmm...
It's been over a year since I blogged last. Remember? (or just scroll down) My folks were getting on a plane for Africa for their 2 year adventure, and I was, frankly, a mess.
Well, I got over it.
And lots has happened.
Seems like more than I can tackle in one blog post. So we'll take it a little bit at a time, which will allow me to weed out the many less-than-exciting parts of the last year.
But for tonight let's just start with I'm 30.
and I had what could arguably be the B.E.S.T. birthday I've ever had.
To begin, I was greeted this morning, on my drive in to work, by my frontline rep co-workers who had all gotten up super early to decorate the Fremont statues in honor of my birthday.

I was SO surprised! I am usually one of the first people in the office and was so touched that they had all gotten up much earlier than usual to surprise me with this! All I can say is that I work with the best team in the world. So, you will all be receiving official "thank you"s, but here's a shout out to my peeps: Carlie, Donna, Whitney, Alicia, Rosanna, Kevin and Jon!! You all are amazing and I feel so honored to get to work with each of you every day.
As if that wasn't enough, I got to work to find that my cube had also been decorated to commemorate the big day! (Thanks to Carlie, Alicia and Christi!)
(oh, did I mention there were Top Pot donuts, too?!?)
All day I was greeted with heartfelt birthday wishes from co-workers and students. And I was productive! Unheard of...
I had the perfect birthday lunch at Stell's with Whitney...cheeseburger, onion rings and a mixed berry milkshake. Perfection.
Spent the remainder of the day answering the question, "What are you doing tonight to celebrate?", to which I replied, "My husband and I are going to dinner at 13 Coins".
Or so I thought.
Cut to the end of the day and me waiting outside for Erich to pick me up from work. He had gotten stuck in traffic and was running a bit behind.
Or so I thought.
We head out on the road and I notice that he misses the turn to head downtown towards 13 Coins.
"Babe, we're supposed to turn here."
"No, we aren't."
"Yes, but 13 Coins is that way."
"Well, we're not going to 13 Coins."
Now, I'm baffled.
But, wait, this is how we get to Matador.
"Are we going to Matador?"
"I don't know...are we?"
He can be incredibly infuriating.
Once we finally found a parking spot, we hoofed it to Matador to find one last surprise...a party for me!!! WHAT?
As I glance around the table, I am floored by the outpouring of love from friends from all parts of my life. Josh & Teresa, Jenn, Sara, Shauna, Carlie, Kristin, Bri, Rosanna and Donna. Truly amazing.
And is there a better way to end the day than with a Matador Cadillac Margarita and happy hour nachos with the most incredible group of friends that a gal could ask for?
Why, yes. You could then be treated to a lot of laughs and an Orange U Glad cupcake from Cupcake Royale.
Seriously, though, guys...you made this transition into my 30's the most amazing day, when I wasn't expecting it to be much different from the rest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know that it meant more to me than any of you will ever know.
With all the love that I have (which is a lot),